Thursday, November 1, 2007

HW 27:Annotative Bibliography

Riverbend, “Baghdad Burning: girl blog from Iraq”. New York, NY: The Feminist Press at the City University of New York, 2005.
This book is a number of different blogs written by a twenty-four year old female that lives in Iraq during the war. She talks about political issues, what it is like living day to day during the war, the many misconceptions that Americans do not know about what is going on in Iraq. The female writing these blogs goes by the name Riverbend and she is primarily writing to rant about all the issues and things that she is sick of dealing with in Iraq since the war has been going on. A lot of people benefit from the blogs that she is writing because even though people might think they know all there is to know about the war that is going on in Iraq, however we only know what the government is telling us. It is always a benefit to have someone who is living through the war and experiencing it tell us what is happening to her and her family and how it is affecting their daily lives. The complications in writing a book like this involve, to a degree, the safety of Riverbend because the information she is giving out on the internet is information that her government or the United States government probably would not want to be disclosed. I believe that any person who would read this book would learn a great deal more about what is going on over in Iraq. This is important to know because it is happening now, as we speak, and it is always important to know what is going on especially when it involves your nation.

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