Thursday, November 15, 2007

HW 35: Letter to Blog Readers

Since this is my almost last blog post for the class A Blog of One’s Own, I would just like to say that I learned quite a bit of information. If I had not taken this class, I do not think I would have ever started a blog in my life. Blogging was something that I was completely unaware of before I entered into the course. Now that I am in the course, I hear about blogs and blogging a lot more, on T/V in the news, and I actually have one too. The material we have been reading and blogging on is once again material I never would have read or had knowledge about if I had not taken this class. I do not think I have a particular blog that I am the most proud of, but I do enjoy writing about Riverbend because it is something happening in the world right now and I find it very interesting to hear the other side of the story since we only get one. For any one who has read my blog, or will read my blog, I hope they just understand where I was coming from and understand my point of view on the various topics that I have blogged about. When the class ends I do not think I will end up continuing to blog, but I do not think I will go back and delete all of my blogs either, I think I will just leave them where they are.

1 comment:

Tracy Mendham said...

Lindsay, I'm glad the blog's given you an entry to world affairs (blogging, the Iraq conflict) in this very concrete way. Nice work.